Monday 29 July 2013

Switzerland (Day 3)

 Another day in Swiss goes by and boy, Switzerland does not disappoint. Today we took a one hour and a half car ride to the lovely city Luzern. I must say, Luzern is one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever been to. I just love how there is still an Old Town vibe to it. Well, we did go through the Old part of the city and it is just breath taking! You go down the brick road and on every part of the road there would be houses or stores with special European paintings.  

Beautiful painted stores

Another cool factor about Switzerland is there is clean water anywhere you go. You can go to the nearest water fountain and just drink out of the fountain. It might look like a regular fountain in the middle of the city, but don’t worry, you can drink the water. You’re not allowed to drink the water if there is a sign you’re not allowed. It is rare though, maybe only one or two. The water is also really clean and healthy since they get the water from the Swiss Mountains.

So, we went upwards to the north of the city to go see the Lion Monument. Some people say the monument is so-so and not very interesting. But I like how the lion monument is placed in the caved like hole in the middle of a tall gray rock. The monument is also behind a small pond, so we can’t go near the monument. This monument is built in honor of the Swiss soldiers who died at the French Revolution. The Dying Lion Monument was carved on a natural rock of 10 mm by the Denmark carver Bertel Thorvalden.  On the monument, it is also carved in Latin Helvetiorum Fidei Ac Virtuti which means “To the loyalty and bravery of the Swiss”. The names of the soldiers are engraved near the monument in their honor.

My brother in front of the Lion Monument

We continue our long walk and end up on another wall! This one is different from the wall in Bulach (see post Switzerland Day 1). It still has the same function which is to separate the Old Town from the new city, but this time the wall is even larger in size and they also have watch towers just like in old medieval movies. The best part is we get to climb up the wall and walk along the wall. The view is, of course, magical. You can see everything from up here! You might get tired from all the stairs but it’s worth it. It’s such a shame but most travelers would skip this wall when they visit Luzern, so I hope all of you fellow travelers can go climb this Great Wall.

The view from top of the wall!

Ok, now we’re moving on to our last part of the trip in Luzern is the Chapel Bridge. We pass this bridge because Ms. Patricia’s car was not in the direction of this bridge. However, this bridge is built in 1333 (you can say it’s really old) and many tourist come to take pictures here. And at night, the view near Lake Ruess is even more stunning, perfect for all you lovebirds out there since the view is very romantic.

Luzern Chapel Bridge

Wait! Day 3 doesn’t stop here; we can’t leave this area without going to Mt. Titlis

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