Thursday 18 July 2013

Switzerland (Day 2)

It’s a new day in Switzerland! We got up early in the morning and got ready to leave for Geneva at 9 o’clock AM.  From the Google Map, it seems like Zurich (in this case Bulach) and Geneva is not that far away. It turns out the distance between Bulach and Geneva is 3 hours by car! I felt really terrible that Ms. Patricia drove for 3 hours non-stop. It was such a relief to finally arrived in Geneva and stretch our legs after being in the car for 3 hours. The first thing we visit right away is Palais des Nations Unis (Palace of United Nations).  Sadly, bad luck strikes again. We weren't able to go inside because it’s close. So, here’s a tip for all of you, do not go to the Palace on Sunday. It was such a pity; I heard that when you go inside there is an enormous Assembly Hall and the souvenir shops holds wonderful items you can purchase. Well, at least I get to take pictures in front the Palace.

In front of Palais des Nations

Another attraction near the Palace of United Nations is the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum. You can walk for around 5 minutes and voila, you’re already there. However, the museum is closed due to construction reasons if I’m not mistaken. But it will be up and running by 2014.

Geneva is well known for its park in the center of the city with its amazing waterfall. So, we walked to the center of the city and we saw a lake with Jet d’Eau (Water Fountains) as the main attraction.  What amazed me the most about this waterfall is that it shots through the air at a pretty high height and then it comes back down to the lake making a beautiful shape. 

Jet d' Eau

The next thing you can look for in Geneva is Jardin Anglais (English Garden). Here you can find a giant clock made out of different flowers. This clock is unique because the numbers are actually re-arranged outside of the clock. Although it’s made out of flowers, the clock does functions normally just like a normal clock. You can also go to the Reformation Wall and St. Pierre Cathedral. All of these attractions are spread around the lake, so you can go anywhere just by walking distance.

Flower Clock

And finally, our last stop and my most favorite attraction for the day is Chateau de Chillon. This castle sits right at the edge of Lake Geneva. Can you imagine the royals who used to live in this castle get to look at the wonderful view of the lake every single day? It’s so beautiful. However, the lake is pretty scary for the enemies or wrong doers long ago. They said when a person is executed; they throw them to the lake. Scary… Now this castle is located in the city of Lausanne, so it’s around 45 minutes from Geneva.  Once inside, you can see what every castle have such as dungeons, wine cellars, execution room and a grand ballroom. But since it is an ancient castle they didn't do much modification. But I really don’t mind it, and for a girl who loves lurking around the castle, this historical site is really suitable for me.

Chateu de Chillon

Photo of Lake Geneva taken from inside the Chateau

If you have time, you should also visit Montreux. Sadly, I don’t have enough time to explore this city. Afterwards, we head back home to Bulach, enjoying our 3 hour car ride. I’ll post more on Switzerland Day 3 soon. Summer isn't summer here so get ready to see jackets and winter hats :). 

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