Monday 15 July 2013

Hello Fellow Travelers!

Hello and welcome to my blog! If I could describe my experiences over the years, I would say I am very blessed to be able to go to different countries. As a kid, I was fortunate enough to live in the USA and cross over different states. Every summer my family has this tradition of going to different places as a family vacation. When we got back to Indonesia, this tradition continues. We went to different provinces in Indonesia and also to different countries. Back then, I was too young to understand the joy of travelling and how the preparations were complicated. Now that I have actually experienced planning our family vacations, I want to share my experience and maybe all you readers can get an insight on where to go or what plans should be taken before going to a certain country.  Before we travel, my mom and I read reviews/blogs from people and it really help us create plans for our travels.  I hope my blog can help you travel goers out there to plan your own wondrous voyage.  So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.  Get ready to see our beautiful world!

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